Saturday, January 3, 2009

Shameless Self-Promotion

So January is here, and it doesn't look like the economy (or my income) is going to bounce back as quickly as I had envisioned, so I am committing to writing (and to the blogosphere) my projects to bring in ASO (alternate streams of income).

1. My new PRexpress service. This is a "junior" service for smaller businesses that would like a kick-start to their branding and visibility, but can't afford monthly retainers of $1000 or more. $450 includes the following:

:: a step-by-step, customized plan to implement your own Public Relations program in-house.
:: a professionally-crafted press release distributed to over 90 national outlets
:: improved search-engine visibility
:: professional pitch to the top 10 media outlets in region
:: review of marketing materials and website for optimal visibility. complimentary rewrite of web home page or brochure copy to improve brand recognition.

Any business can benefit from this service - please tell everyone you know.

2. Selling AVON products. I have a website - if you need Avon products, please order them from my site at Depending upon the campaign and how much you order, shipping is free (or at most, $5). Alternatively, if you are looking for a fun way to boost your own income, talk to me about starting your own AVON business. It only costs $10 to get in, and you don't need to carry inventory.

3. I'm continuing to place my songs with licensing libraries. Let's hope for a big placement in 09.

4. Freelance writing - I write search-engine optimized marketing copy for websites. If you know of a need - please send them my way.

Wishing everyone who reads this a Peaceful, Prosperous and Healthy new year.


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