Sunday, January 4, 2009

Those that can, do. Those that can't, b!#@h about it.

Blogging. I blog, obviously...and in more than one place. I am also an avid reader of blogs. I don't have a lot of time to read books these days, so reading well-written blogs gives me that slice of life and alternate perspective that I'm not getting elsewhere.

Opponents of blogging, on the other hand, think that blog authors are a sick combination of exhibitionists and narcissists - and that blog readers are all stalker/voyeurs.

Where is the truth? As with everything, it probably lies somewhere in the middle. I am sure that some bloggers simply like to talk about themselves, and that some readers are stalkers, but in general, I think that the blogosphere has enriched us. I definitely feel a mental stimulus when reading certain blogs (see my list to the right) and I learn new things about my friends and colleagues every day. My blog time is learning time. And on the flip side of that, my own blogging helps me to become a more disciplined and focused writer.

So, draw your own conclusions, dear friends and readers. I will continue to blog, and to read blogs, as long as there is a place to read and post them.

Good Sunday -

1 comment:

Holly Olinger said...

LMAO over the stalkers. Funny thing eh? I had to put a new blog link on my page as I stumbled onto a seriously liberal community called Shakesville. Very pithy stuff there and much more cerebral than I tend to be. Gotta work those neurons.... xoxox- H