Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I must say, yesterday got even stranger. The T-Mobile drama was eventually settled, and my service restored, thank goodness. However, an unexpected deduction from my checking account caused an overdraft, and one of my checks is still late in arriving. My 22 year old bird, Tiny, went into heart failure last night, and I was certain she was in her last hours, but she rallied and is wide awake this morning and eating and drinking normally. My miracle bird. Had several conversations with friends, good and bad. Many people I speak to seem to be in some kind of personal upheaval or crisis, and I'm not sure if there is some kind of magnetic pull from the full moon the other night, or Mercury retrograde effect at play here.

As always, though, things shall unfold as they are meant to, and I slept deeply and without any anxiety-awakenings for the first time in several nights.

Today must be fully devoted to work. I need to accomplish something real before end of week.

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