Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It hurts when you realize that you may not be quite as unforgettable as you thought you were...just a distant memory, destined to fade to grey. It's hard to understand when someone is so able to move on, that you might as well never have existed in the first place. It's easy to delude oneself into believing otherwise, but the reality is, you're quite possibly not that special.

I hate these realizations.

But then I re-approach from a position of strength. I realize that I have too much to offer to give my power away with self-defeating inner monologue. That I don't really care if some people forget me, because others will never do so. And I take back that which is mine...my cool, my wit, and my energy...there to offer back out to the universe with loving arms.

These realizations are the ones that stick, the ones that conquer, and the ones that will prevail...at least in this mind.



Holly Olinger said...

Now, now don't be going all down on me - I really enjoyed seeing you this morning and my only regret is I couldn't stay longer. Thank god for the good breakfast because I didn't get anything else until 6:30. hugs!

ennyrak said...

exactly: you won't be forgotten by the people that matter, i.e., me!
