Sunday, August 31, 2008

You're The Boss, Applesauce

I've always had a fascination for Andy Warhol and the people he surrounded himself with. In a bizarre dream I once had, I envisioned myself as the reincarnation of Edie Sedgwick.

I finally saw the film "Factory Girl", and was blown away. Very interesting to learn that Edie fashioned herself and her style after a poster of Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffanys". I had done the same thing in my youth.

While a completely tragic figure who died at the age of 28, Edie was still transcendant and quite unforgettable. Sienna Miller portrayed her brilliantly. It's a difficult film to watch, in some regards, since her decline was so rapid and so heartbreaking. But I still recommend the film to anyone who has an interest in the era.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Reasons to Celebrate Friday 8/29

Lalalalala. I always do carry on a lot, don't I? In any event, here are my reasons to celebrate the past week. It's all good.

- work stuff was relatively productive and fun with a minimum of frustration.
- wrote some new lyrics that I'm pleased with
- made some new friends
- booked an open-mic slot at Eddie's Attic
- talked to a lot of friends and family
- got some much needed rain in ATL
- decided to take an acting class
- money issues still there, but my bills are paid
- faced some fears - and survived unscathed
- it's a LONG weekend!

How was your week? Let's hear...

wishing you love, light and maybe a cupcake or two.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cool Blog Post

[From LT myspace blog]

Matt Nathanson Blog
Category: Music

OK. I can hear you now. "Enough with the Matt Nathanson stuff, already". Sorry. When I get intrigued by someone, that's me. I take the words of my "people obsessions" and I devour them hungrily - looking for some common ground - some little glimmer of relatability, or a massive revelation of enlightenment - like a lightning bolt. It's how I get inspired and it's how I learn. So sue me.

This blog from Matt hit home to me as an artist. This is an excerpt from his blog where he describes Paul Simon's "Graceland" album as a work of pure genius that always humbles him. Source:

there are rare moments when i feel confident in my job...
as a songwriter, as a singer, as a musician.
true, pure confidence.
and it is super empowering.
and it always leads to writing more songs.
there is this rad momentum that goes along with true
confidence that you can't get any other place.
it doesn't last, but if you stay out of it's way long enough...
that's where the songs come from.
that's where you allow yourself to just ride creativity
...and really cool shit happens.

the flip side to this, unfortunately, is more common...
being insecure, being scared, and feeling entitled.
seeing success in others, ignoring all the good shit you have
and getting pissed because you feel like you deserve more.
that's my default setting.
it takes a lot to see that this thinking is a dead end,
and even when i do, it doesn't stop the thoughts from coming.
but this is all pretty human stuff.
everybody goes through this in one way or another.
what i am telling you is not a revelation.

Thanks, Matt. I get it. So much.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

you're gonna find out

your mind's like a spinning wheel
never finding what you're looking for
got to slow down a little bit
let yourself outside your door
a life so amazing
when you see it through a child's eye
it's only then you begin to see
and it's only then you begin to fly

you're gonna find out
love and "in love" ain't the same thing
you're gonna find out
the truth ain't always kind
you're gonna find out
holdin' on too tight will let it slip away
you've got to just breathe and let love find a way

in the laws of the universe
they say that all is one
but sometimes it feels as though
you're in it all alone
no one said it's easy
but the journey is worth the price
when you find that certain light
where you create your truth
and design your life

you're gonna find out
people don't always mean what they say
you're gonna find out
being smart ain't being wise
you're gonna find out
holdin' on too tight will let it slip away
you've got to just breathe and let love find a way

written by l. torch and j. boswell

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pink Skies and Rainbows

drivin' around...

The Deluge

Well, so much for the drought.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

"This I Know" Featured on Aspire2Music Pitch Page

Great news..."This I Know" was chosen to be featured this month on Aspire2Music's pitch page! Visit Thanks to Anne Freeman for providing this very important service to artists and songwriters.

"The Aspire 2 Music Song Pitch Page: Where indie country songwriters and artists make music together."

love and light,


Currently reading :
Botany, Ballet and Dinner from Scratch: A Memoir with Recipes
By Leda Meredith

Friday, August 15, 2008

The 1100

[reposted from Myspace blog]

On Fridays, I have a ritual. I always find a reason to celebrate the past week.

Well, this has been a particularly bad couple of weeks. We lost my mother-in-law last week rather suddenly. It was a huge shock, and I loved her very much.

This week, similarly, my closest friend lost her stepmother, to whom she was also very close.

I also had a BIG financial problem this week, and a Mac Book Pro that I bought has been giving me complete fits.

So today, when I looked for my reason to celebrate the week, I turned to Myspace. I have 1100 friends today.

What more could a girl want? After all is said and done, I am surrounded by the best family and friends in the world. I am truly blessed, and I say that without a touch of sarcasm or irony.

Love and light to all,
