The pieces are beginning to fall into place again. Maybe there is something to this Mercury Retrograde thing, after all. The medications arrived for Al today. People have begun to call back. I'm oddly optimistic, despite the gloom and doom all around me. Probably the only real problem is that the opportunistic sinus affliction has now invaded my ears, and I am practically deaf. Just lovely. And, I am still way more tired than I should be.
My friend Mary Jo sent around an email that was full of funny things uttered from the mouths of little kids. The best one had Mom and I hysterical all afternoon.
Little Susie sat in rapt attention in church, as the preacher said "Without the Lord, we are but dust". At which point, Susie exclaimed loudly, "Mommy, what the heck is BUTT DUST?"
You know, sometimes ya just feel like so much Butt Dust.
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